Support Teresa Chambers

An Honest Police Chief


Dec.27, 2004 - Chief Chambers Files Application

For Position of Chief, United States Park Police

On November 26, 2004, the National Park Service announced they were accepting applications for the position of Chief of the United States Park Police despite the fact that Chief Chambers’ case is far from over.  The vacancy announcement was open until midnight, December 27, 2004.  Prior to the filing deadline, Chief Chambers applied for this position – formerly held by her. This latest action by Chief Chambers in no way abandons her appeal that is currently pending before the Merit Systems Protection Board. 

HonestChief has to wonder what candidate will be able to show that he or she has experience as the Chief of the United States Park Police, coupled with nearly three decades of law enforcement service.  More importantly, HonestChief wonders how many candidates will have passed the integrity test of our own Honest Chief when, despite whatever may have been the popular opinion among her bosses, she spoke up for her officers and for visitors to key park locations by speaking the truth about issues impacting their safety.

Read the cover letter submitted with the application.

  Cover Letter

Support Teresa Chambers